Monday, 28 January 2008

Planning and Housebuilding......

So it was worth putting in some time for planning Grade 3 Waldorf as today went pretty well. We started off with a recap of word families from a week ago and Hettie remembered 11 out of 12 which is fantastic for her. Then we followed on with some form drawing which was free hand squares, circles and triangles. Walking the shapes out first around the lounge definately helps as a warm up starter session first thing.
We started our buildings and shelters block, we'll be coming back to Old Testament stories in a few weeks. But we did link in quite nicely to Adam & Eve sheltering in the garden of Eden, and Noah building the Ark. We spent some time looking at the first houses etc and moved onto looking at Inuit houses. We used Bonnie Shemies Houses of Snow, Skin and Bones as a reference for this, there are a whole series. Lots of map reading as well, and we started a new main book.

That pretty much took up all the morning and after lunch we got out our house building kit which was a Christmas present from nanny and grandad. It was really great, a bit of help needed but she soon got the hang of it. We looked a measuring, right angles and used a set square to get our walls nice and straight. Although I've been listening to Donna Simmons audio download of 3rd Grade and we really need to be building outside, the weather was rubbish and I can't see us building a brick wall in the near future. So it really was a good alternative to the real thing.

Troweling on the mortar

Hopefully we should end up with a house and a courtyard! You can soak the mortar off and re-use the bricks so pretty impressed. Available from Mindware which has lots of other great stuff as well.

So as my planning is relatively up-to-date I'm going to spend the evening making bits for the nature table for Spring - yes I know I should be ironing, but I have made chicken soup as well today, and ticked off quite a bit of my To-Do list!


Mrs. Darling said...

Sounds like you've had a productive day! I know, htose planning books and tapes are so wonderful but like you said; who really builds a brick wall in the back yard? They're better for just gleaning ideas from then they are following to the letter!

Lima said...

Wow! That all sounds so impressive!

We did form drawing today and also walked it out on the lounge floor! M thought it was hilarious and it did seem to help with the shapes...

No idea what's wrong with my computer but I can only see the bottom image, the others just won't open for me. Boohoo. Love the idea of these bricks though...


Anonymous said...

I second Mrs Darling, frankly in this country you have to wait a L-O-N-G time for a block of good weather. Very impressive thogh and dd will gain so much just form that.

Shirl said...

My, my, what big hands you have!

Thanks for the link ... ;0)

World Wide Alternative said...

Poo to the ironing!
I LOVE that house kit. It feeds right into my obsession with dwellings. Can we come over & play?...Xxx

Tammy said...

I LOVE your blog!

....also....I noticed you are planning to read Swallows and Amazons. You are going to love it! I read it to my kids a few years ago and it was a delightful story. :)

tamlovesran said...

I've enjoyed visiting your blog. I'm still learning about Waldorf and think that I could learn a lot from you! I'm adding your blog to my list of reads so that I can visit often.


Lisa said...

Nice to hear from some new people - thanks for all your lovely comments!

Maymomvt said...

When my daughter was in 3rd grade each child made their own model house--hers was African and made of clay. As a class they constructed a chicken coop. At home we made a tree house. One year, the children constructed shelters out of saplings and learned to tie knots rather than constructing something massive.

My second daughter is now in 3rd grade. She just finished a play about "Moses." Her housing block is this spring--I'm sure we'll be making another sort of model house.