Sunday, 13 January 2008

Tired ...

I am so tired tonight, its the book keeping. But I have made brilliant progress with the help of my wonderful sis and the end is in sight, and I can confidently ring and book the accountant meeting, which is generally very tedious. He has a very perfectionist & serious outlook on life, which I do not & this makes me laugh and not pay attention & makes me feel like I'm back in school.

Lovely surprise when I got home as Dh & girls busy preparing Sunday roast. This is the first time in 12 years Dh has done this, and I presume probably first time ever. So after pointing out that if we left the chicken (I know, I know, it was free range & organic & expensive) on low it would be midnight before we ate & turning up the oven I left them to it. They invented a new dish, roasted mash and very nice it was too. The whole dinner was lovely. OK so I did step in and make gravy & dish up, but on the whole it was absolutely wonderful not to come home & cook. Thank you family of mine.

They also had managed to tidy & clean fairly well, and get weekly shopping.

Back to 'school' tomorrow. Hettie and I have been deciding whether to do another watercolour for her work on The Creation to round it off as we only managed 2 last week out of a possible 7. We need to do lots more work on place value for maths, with our friendly gnomes of course, and try to work out where to put our nature table. It will be Spring before we get it sorted and time to change it again. I have managed to finish Mother Nature who will be actually making her nature table debut as Mrs Thaw, but it saves me making two figures. King Winter is nearly completed and so I may put the book keeping away tonight and try to stay awake long enough to finish him.

The girls love the figures and Hettie is very keen on the nature table.

I needle felted her head and not sure I'm too happy with it, she looks a bit of an evil Mother Nature, but well if I ever find another evening free I can always make another :0)

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