Saturday, 19 January 2008

A Midsummer Night's Dream ....

Dh spent the morning making a cardboard Elizabethan Theatre complete with actors & actresses and script for a Midsummer Night's Dream. I bought this for Issy yesterday at the museum. Hettie was helping dad with the building while Issy studied the script - me I stayed well out of the way, but could hear cries of 'mum, dad said a naughty word' and 'mum, dads being unkind about you'. Eventually we were ready. I read the script and my trio moved the stage and actors about.

Amidst much shuffling about and whispering on stage I started to plough my way through the shortened script, shouting stage directions and reading all parts. There was much giggling at the part where Lysander and Hermia meet in the woods and he chances his luck at having his wicked way (we described this as a kiss & cuddle) but as the word bosoms was mentioned full hysterical laughter came on from the stage hands, including dh.

We continued fairly sensibly until Issy decided she would like to read a part and became 'Bottom'. Obviously it was not long before passing wind jokes came about. Despite the hilarity we managed to get through about a third of the script, Issy reading her parts extremely well, with only a little prompting and Hettie managing the stage well, available from Tobar.

Issy was at a party this afternoon and I did some shopping while I waited for her. I bought a lovely book Knit A Fantasy Story by Jan Messent so guess what I'll be doing this evening!

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