Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Gnomes and Leaves....

We continued with The Creation which involved watercolours of course. Today was nice and calm with Hettie keen to work, work, work! Which was good because my joints problem has been particularly bad today and so it was nice to sit back, although my hands have been worse than usual and I've dropped countless pots of water. We decided we may not be able to fit in all of the days of creation so she chose the oceans and sea creatures.
As she was so keen today we carried on withsome more Gnome maths courtesy of Serendipity, working on place value. Although we had our usual place value confusion we managed to count 261 gems, swopping units for tens and so on. We also looked at numbers up to a million using our rainbow tray.
So after lunch we finally got round to our botany cabinet which arrived this morning, which is Montessori not Waldorf but I'd already promised to buy it (thanks Sarah). So I decided we could use it for science and nature and we looked at trees in our garden. Hettie picked an oak and we looked for the leaf shape and traced the shape into a new main book (we can continue it through the year) looking at how the tree looks through the year. Hettie scuttled off into the garden to find some acorns and we found some nature books, and made a summary together which she copied beautifully. Thanks to Sarah we've got lots of uses for our cabinet.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Ooo! It seems really weird seeing it set up in your house only days after it was set up in mine lol! I'm really glad that you're finding uses for it - you're clearly far better at cominbing different methods than I am, I never could quite get to grips with it *rolls eyes*

~Sarah ~