Troweling on the mortar
Hopefully we should end up with a house and a courtyard! You can soak the mortar off and re-use the bricks so pretty impressed. Available from Mindware which has lots of other great stuff as well.
Troweling on the mortar
Hopefully we should end up with a house and a courtyard! You can soak the mortar off and re-use the bricks so pretty impressed. Available from Mindware which has lots of other great stuff as well.
The hunter catches the Lion
The strange thing is this. Those of you familiar with Waldorf will know, no tv, computers, nintendo etc and I didn't feel I could completely take this away, but the tv is on noticeably less, the laptop is used but not as often, so I haven't needed to go the whole way as they seem to be regulating their own usage.
Personally I think the good thing about home ed is you can use what suits your family, at the moment this is working for us and now I've told you why!!
And CSI ............. well I love it and Grissom, and its a new series so I'm going.
Mummy's blackboard - girls said it looked like two cavemen!
Hettie's - she refused to colour all the background
Isobel's depiction
Its fairly tricky having two at home - many congratulations to everyone home edding more than two!! It was quite apparent that 3rd Grade Waldorf is not really suitable for 1st Grade. So a learning curve for me, but as I say no planning ready for two. I may have to put some thought into this. We read Cain & Abel again, because Hettie insisted I read it to Isobel, even though she thinks it's rubbish! Me thinks that might have been a sneaky way to hear the story again. Then we read Noah building the Ark ready for tomorrow.
We followed on with some work on nouns and named & copied animals we thought might be on Noah's Ark. Then I decided we could try some beeswax modelling. I tried my very best to think Waldorf! So I asked if Noah built his Ark in our garden what animals would be first on board and then we modelled. Wow, how nice is beeswax modelling. We added our models to our nature table - it's all coming together!
Isobel's rabbit
I found a rhythm today, lunch was at lunchtime and then we popped to the shops so I could get some wool for my latest knitting project. We followed up with some maths work on place value and I discovered Isobel might know how to put things in tens and units but had no idea that 100 was more than 1. Quite good for Hettie to have a bit of competition and she used her bead frame and rainbow tray to count gems effortlessly up to hundreds - just how many gems have I bought!
That was about it. As for the rain I insisted Hettie walked the dog with dh and we probably had more rain than I've seen in years. They were soaked to their pants and had to strip off in the hall. Obviously Hettie had something to say about it all.
And finally head lice. They like my hair, the girls have none and are not itching at all. Obviously I have lent too close to some small child with them. So out with the comb once more!
So by now about another hour and half had passed and several more cups of tea. But now we know where Oregon is and I decided dh looked rather fanciable in glasses, but I won't tell him that.
I did kick everyone into action though and we now have a fairly tidy school area, still with a few plastic boxes but I prefer the baskets.I also was determined to get the nature table set up by the end of today. This led to another break from cleaning while we held a family discussion about where to put it. Once again two little girls drifted off with an air of out of sight, out of mind. We decided the only option was to cover the juke box and use that.
Dh did the floral display while I finished off King Winter, and bless him he even found something to make a broom with while walking the dog.
Hettie and Dh went swimming, Issy played zoos with her animals and I cooked Sunday dinner. We never got to build a hot tub and sit in it together, but we did have a nice day, and we're very tidy!
Amidst much shuffling about and whispering on stage I started to plough my way through the shortened script, shouting stage directions and reading all parts. There was much giggling at the part where Lysander and Hermia meet in the woods and he chances his luck at having his wicked way (we described this as a kiss & cuddle) but as the word bosoms was mentioned full hysterical laughter came on from the stage hands, including dh.
We continued fairly sensibly until Issy decided she would like to read a part and became 'Bottom'. Obviously it was not long before passing wind jokes came about. Despite the hilarity we managed to get through about a third of the script, Issy reading her parts extremely well, with only a little prompting and Hettie managing the stage well, available from Tobar.
Issy was at a party this afternoon and I did some shopping while I waited for her. I bought a lovely book Knit A Fantasy Story by Jan Messent so guess what I'll be doing this evening!
She really liked the bead frame, so a worthy investment. She made a page in her main book about different ways to count things, fingers, abacus etc.
Little House on the Prairie still going down a storm. Who'd have thought it after all that Harry Potter.
Isobel is finding school difficult at the moment - again. She spent a lot of last term in the office at lunch and early pm with a variety of ailments and now this term the school has built a sickbay, so its a bit like her personal chill out room. She calls it the hospital room. But school panto trip on Friday so she's looking forward to that. And she's moved up a reading band and has made a new friend.
So to bed ... long day at work ahead.
I needle felted her head and not sure I'm too happy with it, she looks a bit of an evil Mother Nature, but well if I ever find another evening free I can always make another :0) sooooo tedious. I have been doing it all day and have a full day tomorrow. Thankfully I have help in the form of my big sister.
Apparantly the girls have been very good all day with only an odd minor fall out and dh took them swimming this afternoon. He also managed to do a great deal of the washing and build a Knex pirate ship. So all was calm and reasonably tidy when I returned home. No work today but I thought I'd post a piccie of our weaving!
Then we spent some time painting. Isobel explored with her new watercolour sticks on wet paper.
Then we all did some wet on wet watercolour. We managed much better soaking our paper with a sponge and Hettie's new watercolour brush was lovely, except she didn't want to share it for long!