Saturday, 24 November 2007

We've been home educating for one whole year now. So I thought its about time I had a go at this blogging thing. Mainly because I enjoy reading other blogs, and we have been following the National Curriculum working in a mainly structured way and recently I've been looking at other curriculums and what they have to offer our family. It's sometimes difficult with so much information towards autonomous home education to get good clear information & advice about curriculums and structured home education.

We are leaving the National Curriculum behind in part and leaning heavily towards Waldorf Education, well the methods if not the full curriculum as yet. It felt good last week when we didn't have to rush to fit everything the NC covers crammed into on week. Hettie and I sketched, coloured and made gnomes together. She produced some lovely main book pages.
I purchased a chalk board/white board for the girls this week and they promptly set up a shop, using gems as a bartering/money system.

Here's our shop!

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