So I decided to buy a building kit from Myriad which would fit in nicely with our work. While I was at it I bought a kit to make a flower fairy for the nature table, thinking I can adapt the kit pattern to make other things, and browsed through the site and saw some silk squares of material. Now I keep reading about these silk squares and how great they are for children to 'use their imaginations' but to be honest thought mine were a bit too old. As you can probably guess I added some to my order.
Our parcel arrived this morning, needle felting went out the window, as we ripped open the box. I waited eagerly for Hettie to pounce on the building stuff, but no ..... it was the squares of silk. She played with 3 squares of material for an hour and a half. I hit the laptop. Every 5 minutes she bounced in the room saying guess what this is?
A Parrot
The sky, the grass & a daffodil
We eventually got round to the building blocks, alright I might have insisted.
So sometimes you just can't win, Isobel came home and played with ..... the silks. In fact she's taken them to bed with her. Now if I'd have known years ago I only needed a few bits of material ....
Silks are still used regularly at our house--even by my 11 year old! Lou has investigated log cabins, pueblos, and igloos so far. She's really liking it. She did a block this fall with measuring time---seasons, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, etc., but hasn't done any other measuring yet.
I'm so glad that you mentioned Live education and whether or not it was working for you. I was wondering about it. My kids love the silks also, and I really want to try needle felting. Your school looks like so much fun.
Love the silk parrot, very imaginative.
The little log cabin is really cool too, must investigate that further.
Glad the live ed is going well too.
We were going to do the other measuring first but it didn't fit in with our block that way round so I improvised the plan! I'll blog more about Live Ed later for those interested. The parrot - ROFL ! Lisa x
... looks like great fun, I love those building blocks don't think I can persuade Robynne to go back a few years tho' ah well ... maybe next time round.
Aah shame Thea - I'll bring them along to a meeting and you can play as well!! Lisa x
Yes please blog more about Live Education!
I love the silks and building blogs, I always enjoy seeing how other education methods work.
"You could be in school!" roflol! We've all had our moments shouting that, I guess. :)
Love the post!
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