Monday, 11 February 2008

Spring Gardening!!

We had a lazy morning today so I spent some time sorting out bits for our home ed group. One of the dads is going to do some art/sketching lessons every week and we're starting some Ancient Egypt lapbooks next week. The little ones are doing All About Me. In UK we have Mother's Day coming up so we're getting some craft bits together for that. Its quite a relief that the library are being so accommodating to our group because it means we can really plan for some topics & activities now, and we don't have to pay for hall hire & insurance.

Stirring ourselves into action we set off for the garden centre,which is huge, so we spent an hour or so wandering round. The girls got some child size gardening gloves and we picked up some pansies and primroses, and a few other bits that are fairly safe to plant now. We also got lots of vegetable seeds and seed potatoes, planning our veg garden. We just have to dig over the beds now!

Hettie did really well and only needed a little help.

Isobel did really well with some help and watered everything.

Not arranged very artistically yet, but all looking quite promising!

We spent the rest of the afternoon tidying, sweeping & stacking pots, well actually I did with intermittant help, but they should both be worn out after a day of fresh air and bouncing on the trampoline. We achieved some of our Waldorf curriculum today with very little effort on my behalf, except chatting about crop rotation and caring for soil & plants while we worked. Fingers crossed for some more sun tomorrow, I might get some digging done. We are going to make a planting plan for the year as well this week.


Mrs. Darling said...

I love these gardening pics. I want to garden too but the weather is awful.

Tammy said...

What fun! Your girls are such cute little things!

Mary said...

The gardening looks lovely! I can't wait to get my hands back in the dirt. It looks like that won't be anytime soon here in Alaska.

Lisa said...

The girls were amazed yesterday when I was showing them pics of all your snow! They've never seen that much.

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful! I love all this gardening stuff.

Shirl said...

Pots are looking good ... :0)