Tuesday, 4 December 2007

A Good Morning's Work...........

Today we continued with our geography block, Australia, looking at cities and famous places. We concentrated on Sydney and looked at the Opera House and the bridge. She used the bridge for her main book page, as she decided she couldn't draw the opera house!

All was going swimmingly so after a short break we re-capped Roman Numerals and read some
Roman Numerals I to Mm =: Numerabilia Romana UNO AD Duo Mila : Liber De Difficillimo Computando Numerum by Arthur Geisert (available from amazon). I thought when the book arrived she wouldn't enjoy it at all but she loved it - its in English and easy to read, not as the title seems. We spent some time on this and she happily made another page in her maths main book. Wow - she was so busy I actually found time to do some washing, load the dishwasher etc....

This afternoon back to the grind, work (mine) and the Brownie nativity play. What a great Brownie pack we have, all the children had a part to play and were made to feel equally important. Of course it was lovely :0)

1 comment:

Shirl said...

Lovely drawing. Glad the play went well....:0)