But I do love the block crayons!
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Thursday, 27 December 2007
All that rush........
Still, hopefully with lessons and practice, at least one of us should be able to play a carol by next Christmas.
My thoughts are turning back to next years lesson plans. I need to have a good tidy so after New Year we are uncluttered and ready to go. Both girls got some nice art materials for Christmas and weaving looms so lots of art & craft to be done.
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Here's to a Happy Christmas!
Friday, 14 December 2007
Busy, busy, busy ......
We've carried on with our Winter Tales. Here's a sample of my blackboard, ready for the next day and Hettie's work.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
Lots of reading from Donna Simmons' books. Lots of new ideas and directions to take. Well worth the expense. So I have been busy drawing on the chalk board tonight, ready for tomorrows main lesson. We had a little look at word families today, and then the dog groomer turned up to give the dog his Christmas bath....one miserable dog!
We both tried our hands at watercolour wet on wet painting this afternoon. First try for both of us and I think we needed to soak the paper for longer, but in all quite good fun and lots of discussion about colours - we only used red and yellow.
Issy is rehearsing hard for her school play this week and her reading and spelling has gone a bit out of the window this week.
Monday, 10 December 2007
What did we do today. We continued with Winter tales & traditions, looking at St Nicholas.
We spent some time on Form Drawing and actually walked the forms around the lounge, practised lots on our chalk boards before using the block crayons.
Pretty good, we're improving!
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Christmas Deccies ... and ....Christingle
It finally arrived, the Christmas deccie day! We pulled out lots of dusty bags from the loft and played 'Nat and Deans Christmas' and decorated!
Not regular church goers by any means, we went off to the Christingle Service at our local church, with some friends and Brownies. It was very lovely and Christmassy, we all lit our candles and sung Away in a Manger.
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Yesterday we went with our local Home Ed group to the Sea Life Center, which was a nice chance to chat and meet some new faces. The kids all loved the play area and had a good time.
Christmas tree buying and decorating planned for tomorrow.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Busy day ...........
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Relaxing day .............
We had a dash round the shops for pressies (in the pouring rain) and Hettie started writing her Christmas cards, before we picked up Issy from her friends. Issy has two wobbly teeth at last, but annoyingly another of Hetties fell out today ......... :0)
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
A Good Morning's Work...........
All was going swimmingly so after a short break we re-capped Roman Numerals and read some
Roman Numerals I to Mm =: Numerabilia Romana UNO AD Duo Mila : Liber De Difficillimo Computando Numerum by Arthur Geisert (available from amazon). I thought when the book arrived she wouldn't enjoy it at all but she loved it - its in English and easy to read, not as the title seems. We spent some time on this and she happily made another page in her maths main book. Wow - she was so busy I actually found time to do some washing, load the dishwasher etc....
This afternoon back to the grind, work (mine) and the Brownie nativity play. What a great Brownie pack we have, all the children had a part to play and were made to feel equally important. Of course it was lovely :0)